Having experienced many of the conveniences and pitfalls of new technologies, social media, student loan debt, and adult life, millennials have also developed a genuine desire to do something great with their lives, but often don't know how to get there. As fellow millennial Paul J. Kim shares with great humor and insight, tackling life's big challenges and desires for vocation, career, and greatness can give powerful witness to God and the gift of life.
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Jesus Is The Answer
Every Lighthouse Talk is, in a way, an encounter with Christ, because it addresses some issue, problem, or question--and shows how, ultimately, Christ is the answer.
Whenever you listen to a Lighthouse Talks CD (or on FORMED.org), you learn something about your faith, or gain an insight into living the gospel, becoming closer to Christ in some way. Your life changes, if only in what may seem the smallest of ways. And when you pass the CD along to a friend or family member, you do the work of evangelization, bringing other souls closer to Christ. Your gift of a CD or book could save a soul.
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The easiest way to get to heaven is to take someone by the hand and lead him there.
- Archbishop Fulton Sheen
You'll never know, this side of heaven, how many souls your small acts of sharing your faith in love have saved.
You'll notice on every CD that there is a short invitation to go to the Lighthouse Catholic Media website and share your feedback. Every day, we receive dozens of notes from listeners about how a talk changed their lives in a meaningful way.
Here's a quote from a recent message:
…your CDs have brought light and life into my new Catholic walk. A former critic and opponent of not only Catholicism, but of religion in general, my whole family (wife and two daughters) are now in the process of joining the Catholic Church through the RCIA program. We could not be more exited about this "coming home" to Christ's church. I am excited about my faith simply because it is truth, a truth that has transformed my life. Lighthouse Catholic Media has been an integral part of that process, as I listen to several CDs on a weekly basis.